24 October 2010

Continuing the story line...

I have gotten such a wonderful response and have found a mentor or two in the process as well!  I urge you all to continue to submit your stories to me.  Further, and equally as importantly, I ask you to please forward this link to anyone you know that may be interested.


It is so important to click on "FOLLOW" once you are on the blog.  This will keep you informed with any updates and/or changes that occur on the site or with my project.  I hope to get TONS and TONS of followers in the not too distant future!

Currently, I am looking for an attorney that would be willing to give me legal advice...gratis!  Eventually, there may be a way to begin a payment schedule but for now, I need to receive answers to some questions and need to do that with no money out of pocket.  This project is starting to roll...in the direction I envisioned...and I do not want to stop that ball!  If anyone knows of an attorney, preferably one with a heart for military personnel or military projects, please put them in touch with me.  I will not take much of their time at first and we can discuss how much they are willing to be available to me at no charge.  Send them to my email:   angelaengele@gmail.com   Once we have touched base through email, I will pass on further contact information.

I would like to go ahead and take the time to thank everyone for being so supportive and encouraging up to this point!  You are making it so easy for all the pieces to just fall into place.  From my husband to my ex-husband, to my cousins and complete strangers...you are all wonderful and thank you all for your help. 

If you would like to help, here is what I need as of now:

1.  Stories:  I want "The Soldier" in words...whether it comes from the soldier themselves, their spouse, child, best friend, old classmate, relative...old co-worker.  Doesn't matter.  I just want people's stories about what a soldier is to them.  I also want from the soldier, or immediate family member, what being in the military is like for them.  Whether they have served during war time or not, regardless of their MOS (front line, office, medic, etc.).  In my mind once you have signed up...you have served your country in a way that many of us haven't.  You have taken a path that many people never will.  What does it mean to you?  What has it done for you?  What has it changed for you?  Help us know you.

2.  Help me find an attorney (prefer one near or in Texas, I live near Dallas) that would be willing to assist me with some preliminary questions that I will go into detail about with them.

3.  Let me know if you would be interested in volunteering on any projects (many of which can be done through email if you live far from me) and can take as little or as much time as you have.  I do not have these "committees" in place yet, but once I discuss some particulars with an attorney, I expect some things to begin rolling fairly quickly and will need some volunteer support.

4.  Follow my blog and pass my blog on to others.  Even if you cannot help in ANY other way, you CAN follow this blog and pass it on to others!  That is a GREAT help to me!  Without the support, none of the rest of it can happen!

If you have any questions OR suggestions, please email me!  Thank you so much for the wonderful response so far, I hope to keep the momentum going and going!

Keep it going!


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