Without the following people this project would not be possible. I would like to thank them and give them the recognition they deserve. This list will grow as the project begins to take on a life of it's own! If you would like to see your name in black and white below, please sign up for any of the positions listed on the "Volunteers Needed" tab. If you do not see something you feel you can do, please contact me as there is ALWAYS something I can use help with! Again, thank you to those who have helped so much!
Linda Wells, Project Editorial Proofreader
Linda Gibson, Project Researcher
Ken Keith, Website Developer
Robert Pennington, Logo Developer
Debbie Brown, Project Brainstormer
Mitch Leeds, Project Brainstormer and Mentor
Joe Casals, Project Publicity Helper; published link in his online newsletter "ÐIÊN CÁI ÐÂ`U EXPRESS"
Special thanks to my immediate family, Paul Engele, Elizabeth Engele and Jake Buck...your support has been wonderful. I feel this project will be something we can all be so very proud of and without you all pushing me to continue to think "HUGE", it may not have gotten this far! Thank you!