05 February 2011

Here we go!

The time has come for me to let you all know what I have been up to!  As I know several people who are involved in organizations who have something similar to my idea, please know up front that there is NO COMPETITION between us.  My idea is going to utilize a completely different medium and therefore will not be in any way related to your ventures. 

Please read and I hope you are all as excited as I am!

I started years ago trying to find men/women who knew my dad, who served with him or who went to school with him.  In doing this, I found hundreds of men and women who had so many stories of their own to tell.  Most interesting to me were the ones NOT related to their time with my father.  It was always difficult to explain to people that I wanted to here THEIR stories, not just tales of their interactions with my dad.  Their stories were equally as important to me.

Having decided to start this Blog, I ended up getting a wonderful response...even though I can't seem to explain how to "Follow" this page!  A lot of people who are thrilled about the page have not actually become a follower of it.  If you know anyone like that, please have them FOLLOW...it will be imperative that they do so, very soon!

On to my project:

I am in the process of building a website which will serve as a Virtual Museum.  The name of it is Museum of the American Military, the website is:  www.museumoftheamericanmilitary.com  Please visit as often as possible.  Currently, the website home page is set up to serve as a place holder while we build the actual site.

Without going into exact detail as to what our plans are with the museum and what all we will include, I do want to tell you that I am in need of ALL OF YOUR STORIES.  Many who I have talked to, especially those that are my age or younger, feel they don't really have a story to tell.  Not true, so not true.  I want stories relating to the following ideas:
  • How old were you when you joined the military?
  • Did you join out of high school or did you attend college first?
  • Did your military career start with playing with GI Joe dolls or ROTC?
  • Where all were you transferred?
  • Were you married?  Was this difficult for your family?
  • How often were you serving your country away from your family?
  • What is the most interesting thing that has happened to you?
  • Have you ever been involved in a war/conflict?
  • What was your MOS, your job?
  • How long did you serve?
  • Looking back (if you are currently out of the military), how do you feel about your time in the service?
  • What branch were you in?
  • If you do happen to have a story of war time, please tell it as well.
What I'm trying to say is this...In my opinion, the day you signed up for whichever branch of service you were part of, you became a very important part of our nation's history.  I don't want that to be forgotten.  No matter how insignificant you think your story is, I can promise you...I disagree.

Yes, my father was killed in Vietnam.  Yes, he received the Medal of Honor for his sacrifice.  Yes, he is seen as an American Hero.  No, he's not the only one.  No, you do not have to have died or received the Medal of Honor to be considered a hero.  I have grown up talking to many of you, or others like you, and you shy away or downright denounce the idea that you could be seen as a 'hero'.  Well, the way I see it is that without each and every one of you, our country would have been that much more at risk.  You gave something to serve our country.  You all did (or do, if you are still active).  You gave up time with your wife, your children, your freedom to do whatever you want, have your haircut the way YOU wanted it to be (or not be, whatever the case!).  You put your freedom of speech on hold in many respects.  You just did what you were told and taught to do. 

Many of you would tell me you would do it all again without hesitation.  That is dedication.  That is service to your country.  That is honorable and that IS a hero, in my book.

So, I want your stories.  I will work with you to make them sound exactly the way you want them to.  I do not want any information that would be considered valuable to national security.  I do not expect you to risk anything to tell me of your service.  Even if you were involved in highly secured information or missions, you still have a story that can be told.  Just don't give me details!  Or, tell about some part of it that wasn't secret, like your favorite Officer's Club incident or your beginning.

Further, I would appreciate a picture to go with the story.  Prefer one during active duty.  Any other photos you wish to attach to your story, would be very welcome!  Pictures of any planes, tanks, equipment, duty stations, air fields, posts, etc.  Anything you wish to share about your time.

If you have never served in the military, I know you know someone who has!  Your father, mother, friend, neighbor, classmate, etc.  Do you have any stories that would help us know that person better?  Any contact information for that person so that I can contact them to see if they are interested in submitting their own story?  Of course you do!  Everyone (just about) knows someone involved in the military!

I am determined that this museum will serve as a way for anyone to log in and see a story of someone they decided to learn more about.  They will follow your story, see pictures to make you "real" to them and then we will do research to bring to life whatever specifics in your story that we can.  For example, if you say you were stationed at DaNang, we will find pictures or maps of DaNang as it was during the time you were there.

This is a huge project, I am aware of that.  But I am not above drumming up your support!  It would be easier if you simply start submitting your stories and information...but if you don't, I'll be happy to keep asking!  :)

Now...send your stories to me at:

As well, be sure to visit:

Follow the blog
Like the Facebook page (if you are a FB member)

In addition:

I do NOT want originals, unless you do not have a way to scan them in.  In which case I will accept them by mail and scan them and send them immediately back to you.

If you do not want to email me your story, please mail it to the following addresss:

Angela Bennett-Engele
754 Mockingbird Drive
Lewisville, TX  75067

Or you can call me at:


I am so very excited about this and cannot wait to really get things going.  If you are a member of another organization and would like your link put on my website as a reference for people to be able to visit your site or location, I would be happy to work with you on that!  Please contact me by using the information above (or email above) and we can discuss your site/organization and how we can help eachother educate this country on all the military does.

Thank you so much for your time, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me so that I can explain further.

Angela Bennett-Engele
Museum of the American Military
"Your Stories, Our History"

02 February 2011

Cold in Dallas!

Day TWO of no school in our area!  It's not that there is a lot of snow on the ground, it is that there is a pretty thick layer of ice on the ground and the temps are remaining in the low 20's, high teens.  Therefore, the ice is not anywhere near melting and simply continues to re-freeze.

The same will be true for tonight and tomorrow.  We are not expected to get above freezing until Friday afternoon.  But, the kicker...we are expecting to get snow on Thursday  night.  SO, still freezing temps, still frozen roads and then add snow on top of it...wonder if it will even matter that Friday afternoon temps will be above freezing.

Concerned that the kids may not get to go to school much at all this week!  Pretty fun for them...until the snow day make up days come up!

I just recently added pictures to my last blog, our trip to the base for the ceremony.  Enjoy!

I'm going to go back to freezing now, have a wonderful day and stay safe and warm!